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Cape Coral’s New Sign Laws & What it Means for You

by Article by Remington Begg Remington Begg | November 11, 2013 at 10:09 AM

25175013.sfAdvertising is a part of business. Whether is online, through direct mailers or eye-catching displays for your storefront, drawing attention to your business is an important way to increase profits. For business owners in Cape Coral, recently passed city ordinances will restrict the ways they can display ads, signs and banners in front of their stores. 

“It looks like trash, it looks like a circus…” Ordinance Sponsor Marty McClain said before officials voted the ordinance in effect. Many small business owners disagreed with McClain’s statement, “I think it’s intrusive. I should a have a right to do what I want with my windows and I think it’s going to hurt business,” said Dan Puleio, owner of Cape Cleaners.

Regardless of whether business owners agree or disagree with their new restrictions, all businesses large and small must be in compliance with the new ordinances by April 1st, 2014 to avoid being fined.

The New Regulations

Though the new ordinance isn’t lengthily, it will affect many businesses in the city. Below are the major changes that you need to be aware of:

  • No A-Frame Signs
    As of 4/1/2014, A-Frame signs will be banned for use outside of business storefronts.
  • Sign Wavers ONLY on Private Property
    Concerned for public safety and the safety of the wavers, Sign Wavers will only be allowed on private property. They will no longer be allowed to stand on popular intersections or on the sidewalks.
  • Limits on Usage of Feather Banners
    Following the inaction of the ordinance, permits will be required to display feather banners and they are restricted to three months at a time.
  • 30% Restriction on Window Signage
    The ordinance that seemed to strike hardest with local business owners was the requirement that their window signage not cover more than 30% of their storefront windows.

Time to Revamp

Instead of just tossing the a-frames in the trash, firing your Sign Waver, plucking your feather ads out of the ground and hoping for the best, why not consider if these marketing methods were truly successful for you and what other strategies can you use to attract people to your business? Here are a few fun and creative ways to consider when revamping your marketing efforts:

Sign Wavers Can’t Collect “Thumbs Up”, but Facebook Can
One of the draws to using a Waver to hold your sign up at the most popular intersections in the city is that is creates a human element to your brand. The sign is no longer just a sign, it’s now a sign with a person behind it. Instead of paying your sign holder $8 for 20 hours a week to stand out and interact with your hopeful prospects from a distance, use your resources to build interaction where your customers REALLY are: online! There is no greater way to interact with your customer and prospects then by engaging them on social media. More than 50% off customers are more likely to purchase from a company that they “like” on Facebook over a competitor. What may seem like a simple “like” to you, is actually a powerful “vote” by your new follower. Nurture your customers and prospects by going to where they are (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) and spending time building relationships in ways that a sign on the corner never could.

Don’t Hide Behind your Window Signs
While you can tell everyone just about everything they need to know about your business and services by displaying it on your front windows, you’ll never be able to convey the true mission behind your company. Did you know that recent studies are showing that consumers are now less concerned with the specifications of the products/services you offer and for the first time in history now care more about you, what you stand for and the story behind you. Don’t let your “why” get lost behind the technical specifications of what your company does.

Go from A to B
Toss the a-frame and start blogging! While signs are a great way to convey information that you want your customers to know, they have very poor visibility to drivers passing your storefront. But how can you be sure that they find you? Starting a business blog is an excellent way to make sure all the information that your customers need to know is always right there when they go looking for it. You can announce daily specials, coupons, the latest industry news, how-tos and fun stories. 87% off consumers in the United States now begin their purchasing process by doing research online. Answer the questions they may have about their purchase and they’ll find your blog. Not only will you have given them a value resource (by answering their question), you’ll now become a trusted source for them. When the time comes to buy, you’ll be at their top of their mind.

Switch to Feathers of a Different Kind
With so many feather banners waving on Del Prado, individual banners are not commanding the attention that they were designed to. Grab the attention of your customers and future prospects by standing out in a whole new way. Get involved. Step out from behind your desk or counter and become engrossed in your community. The more time you spend face to face with the community, the less “business” you’ll appear and the friendlier you’ll become. We all know that people are more likely to buy from those they consider friends than a sales man.

New regulations and ordinances might at first seem frustrating and limiting, but take a second look at how losing these advertising methods will really effect your business, if at all. Then explore other measurable and more effective ways to reach your customers, attract new prospects and find true ROI on your advertising strategies.